e-Bike Rebate Scheme: Now available to Minnesota residents

This rebate takes up to $1,500 off qualifying e-bikes, covering 50% to 75% of the purchase price (based on the purchaser’s income). It’s open to Minnesota residents aged 15 or older (not claimed as dependents in tax year 2023). To file, you’ll need to provide your:
- name and contact information
- date of birth
- SSN or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
- tax filing status for 2023
- adjusted gross income for 2023
Rebates will be issued on July 1 to approved applicants. You can see your estimated rebate percentage here. It must be used within two months. Note that not all applicants will receive a rebate (there’s $2 million budgeted to the program). Shop Now at Minnesota Department of Revenue
- Note that at time of publication, the application portal was unavailable – click here to stay updated.

This rebate takes up to $1,500 off qualifying e-bikes, covering 50% to 75% of the purchase price (based on the purchaser’s income). It’s open to Minnesota residents aged 15 or older (not claimed as dependents in tax year 2023). To file, you’ll need to provide your:
- name and contact information
- date of birth
- SSN or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
- tax filing status for 2023
- adjusted gross income for 2023
Rebates will be issued on July 1 to approved applicants. You can see your estimated rebate percentage here. It must be used within two months. Note that not all applicants will receive a rebate (there’s $2 million budgeted to the program). Shop Now at Minnesota Department of Revenue
- Note that at time of publication, the application portal was unavailable – click here to stay updated.
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