Make Easy Mini Strawberry Shortcake in Dessert Tins!

This summer create these easy and adorable mini strawberry shortcake tins as a unique dessert to share with friends and family. 

This summer create these easy and adorable mini strawberry shortcake tins as a unique dessert to share with friends and family. 

strawberry shortcake tin on a tray

Sweet summer strawberries are perfect for this dessert! 🍓

Strawberry shortcake is one of my favorite treats and this simple method of creating individual tins is so fun and adorable. I loved compiling these and the kids can even help out too. Using a store-bought pound cake is a great shortcut and tastes delclious. Feel free to change things up and use angel food cake or sponge cake instead. This idea is super adaptable to taste.

woman holding a tray of strawberry shortcake

How adorable are these mini loaf dessert tins from Amazon?

They are so perfect for individual treats. These tins come in various colors, have clear lids, and a serving spoon you can attach with a ribbon if you’d like. Consider making treats in them for friends, family, or neighbors as a treat and drop them off. I brought my parents some of these as a random surprise and they were thrilled.

Be sure to check out both my individual Halloween dirt cake version and my Valentine’s Day red velvet cake dessert tins!

min strawberry shortcake ingredients

adding sugar to strawberries

cutting up a sara lee pound cake on a cutting board

whipped cream in a mixing bowl

adding strawberries to pound cake

adding whipped cream to mini strawberry shortcake

adding a lid to mini strawberry shortcake

dessert tins with strawberry shortcake

Mini Strawberry Shortcake

yield: 12 SERVINGS

prep time: 30 MINUTES

total time: 30 MINUTES

Dessert tins with a layer of pound cake, sweetened strawberries, and stabilized whipped cream.


for the strawberry shortcake:

for the stabilized whipped cream:



Slice the pound cake in about 3/4 inch thick slices, and long enough to fit your tins.


Add sugar to sliced strawberries, stir, and let it sit for 15-20 minutes to become juicy and sweet.


Meanwhile, mix the whipped cream ingredients in a bowl using an electric hand mixer.


To compile, Add pound cake, strawberries, and then whipped cream to the top. Add a lid and the “spork” to the top using a ribbon if desired. Store in the fridge on a sheet pan until ready to serve.

Brought to you by Hip2Save.

Extra tips for compiling strawberry shortcake mini cakes:

  • This easily made about 12 tins for me, but this will depend on how heavy-handed you are with the whipped cream. You can always make another half batch if desired.
  • I liked the sweetened strawberries, however, feel free to use store-bought strawberry glaze instead if you’d like. This idea is very adaptable to taste.
  • Add blueberries for a red white and blue patriotic dessert idea! Also check out this patriotic trifle I made using similar ingredients and star-shaped pound cake.
  • I am using a Wilton dessert decorating tool here for the whipping cream and love mine! You can use it for savory dishes too like deviled eggs.
  • I recommend enjoying these within a day or two covered in the fridge.

easy strawberry shortcake in a tin dessert

These strawberry shortcake mini-cakes were such a hit!

What a fun and easy dessert to compile. My family was super impressed and excited to snag one, and I am sure yours will be too! If you don’t like the idea of the mini tins, feel free to create something similar in drinking glasses instead. That will work out great too!

mini strawberry shortcake in a cup

Consider making banana pudding and then adding it to these same tins! 

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Author: Lina D (Hip2Save Sidekick)